Natural Face Lift (Facial Rejuvenation) in Brighton, Sussex

A blissful, uplifting and deeply relaxing treatment for your

  •  Lift and tone your face
  • Reduce lines & wrinkles
  • Brighten your complexion
  • Relax and balance your whole body
  • Release stress and tension from your face and body


This beautiful natural treatment incorporates a unique blend of highly effective techniques drawn from both Japanese (Anma) and Indian (Ayervedic) Face Massage along with Acupressure and Facial Reflexology which help to balance the whole body,  followed by lymphatic drainage to cleanse away any toxins released during the treatment.

A blend of essential oils will be specially chosen for you at the beginning of your treatment to further enhance the effect and your enjoyment of this wonderful treatment. Soft lighting, candles and beautiful relaxing music will ensure you float out afterwards!

The treatment works on both the surface and deep facial muscles, stimulating blood flow and oxygenation, releasing congestion and toxins and toning the facial muscles.

As with all muscles our facial muscles absorb and retain our emotions. We’ve all seen the face of someone who has had a life of hardship and stress – they look drawn and tired and their face literally droops along with their spirits. Notice how your own face changes with your mood too! This treatment releases emotions from the facial muscles, leaving you looking and feeling rejuvenated and uplifted.

The Natural Face Lift treatment includes:

  • Neck, shoulder and head massage (with hot stones) to relieve tension in these areas
  • Holistic energy balancing using Acupuncture Meridian points and Facial Reflexology
  • Stimulation and smoothing of the facial skin and muscles
  • Lifting and stabilising of the facial muscles
  • Lymphatic drainage to cleanse away toxins released
  • Grounding and healing to gently bring you back down to Earth!



Contact Leisa